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A selection of lessons from an experienced RE specialist that can help to save time. Quiz's & assemblies appearing

A selection of lessons from an experienced RE specialist that can help to save time. Quiz's & assemblies appearing
Year 7 RS - Islam Bundle

Year 7 RS - Islam Bundle

This is a series of 9 Lessons with an assessment, mark scheme and written scheme of works. Lessons include 1 & 2 - the Life of the Prophet 3 - Holy Books 4 - Place of Worship 5 - 5 Pillars - Shahadah 6 - 5 Pillars - Salah 7 - 5 Pillars - Sawm 8 - 5 Pillars - Zakat 9 - 5 Pillars - Hajj 10 - Assessment 25 Marks with Power point (with answers) to go through with students Written scheme of works included to support (brief) This is one of the three topics I use to teach Year 7 - A topic based around Christianity & Judaism will be available soon.
KS3 RS - Moses (Foundations of Faith)

KS3 RS - Moses (Foundations of Faith)

Lesson from the beginning of year 7 to help to introduce the Abrahamic religions and the importance of differnet key figures. A lesson on Moses and his relationship with God. This follows on from the lesson on Abraham and his path to God available as well. Part of an Introduction to RE SOW (On it’s way as a bundle)
KS3 - Foundations of Faith Assessment

KS3 - Foundations of Faith Assessment

A simple assessment for the Foundations of Faith SOW work. Recall from the lessons on belief & The Big 6 - extended answers based around the understanding the key religious figures Abraham, Moses & Jonah.
KS3 - Rebirth

KS3 - Rebirth

A lesson introducing KS3 to the Importance of Life after Death in Hinduism. It is set out to focus on New Vocab & Key terms for students, involves a clip with questions, literacy focus and knowledge matching to help embed. Atman, Braham, Rebirth, Reincarnation, Karma, Samsara, Moksha all included.
KS5 - OCR - H573 Euthanasia

KS5 - OCR - H573 Euthanasia

An overview lesson that focusing on applying Natural Law and Situation Ethics to Euthanasia. Following the OCR specification and includes two outlines on how to plan two possible exam questions. Explain how belief in the sanctity of life might influence ethical approaches to euthanasia. Situationism is the best method of assessing whether Euthanasia is morally acceptable
KS3 RS - Cosmological Argument

KS3 RS - Cosmological Argument

A KS3 lesson from a topic looking at Belief - an introduction to the points of the Cosmological argument including a video and tasks. Also available is the teleological argument as well.
KS5 - OCR - Liberation Theology & Marx

KS5 - OCR - Liberation Theology & Marx

H573 - A2 Developments in Christian thoughts. A teacher lead introduction for the students to take notes from - introduces all the key ideas and people. Links to previous learning.
KS3 RS - Teleological Argument

KS3 RS - Teleological Argument

A KS3 lesson from a topic looking at belief in God. An overall look at the teleological argument - linking to the cosmological argument and personal judgement. Includes a video, gap fill and question to answer.
KS5 OCR - H573  Natural Law

KS5 OCR - H573 Natural Law

An introduction and overview of Natural Law including - Telos, Aristotle, 4 Laws, Precepts primary & secondary, objections, doctrine of double effect and real & apparent goods. Useful for some one on the first teaching of the Ethics element of OCR H573. Multiple lessons and includes essay prep.
KS3 RS - Near death Experiences

KS3 RS - Near death Experiences

Near Death, Immortality, Ressurection, Soul, Ghosts, Mediums, Reincartions, Past Lifes are al included in this Student lead lesson. The lesson helps students explore the idea why so many people believe in an after-life without proof. Questions around a clip about near death experiences. Then an independent Carousel task with information for students to complete on a worksheet. Could easily be adpated to work in other ways. Includes information on Ghosts, NDE’s, Mediums, Juadiasm, Christianity & Reincarnation
OCR - H573 Meta Ethics Introductions

OCR - H573 Meta Ethics Introductions

An introduction to the idea of Meta Ethics - relating directly to teh OCR A Level specification. This lessons starts with an general explaination and introduces key terms to students. It then focuses around understanding ‘What is Good’ looking at perspective and getting the studenst to reflect. Worksheet inlcuded and the lesson ends introduces the key philosophers.
KS3 RS - Creation & Divergent Views

KS3 RS - Creation & Divergent Views

A KS3 lesson looking in detail at Christian Creation story from Genesis. Includes literacy & reading focus looking at Bible passage and using it to complete a task. Then includes divergent views from different Christian Denominations including Young earth, Day Age, Myth, Gap and Theistic. Extension task on John’s Gospel quote and reflection question to finish.
KS3 RS - Belief (Foundations of Faith)

KS3 RS - Belief (Foundations of Faith)

Lesson from the beginning of year 7 to help to introduce the idea of Belief. Looks at key terms Atheist, Agnostic & Theist. Then moves on to look at the diversity of world religions in comparison with our local area (easy to quickly adapt for yours). This lesson leads to lessons about the Big 6 World religions, Abraham, Moses & Jonah. All available and part of the same SOW. Useful together or as stand alone and the SOW includes an Assessment.
KS3 RS - The Big 6

KS3 RS - The Big 6

Lesson from the beginning of year 7 to help to introduce the Big 6 World religions. The lesson is a simple overview of key terms around Founders, Symbols, Language, God, Buildings & Religious Texts. It’s a re-work of other similar resources and tied in to a Foundation of Faith SOW. Followed by lessons on Abraham, Moses and Jonah - all available and part of the same SOW. Useful together or as stand alone. Foundations of Faith - SOW on it’s way as a Bundle
KS3 RS - Shabbat & Worship  (Judaism)

KS3 RS - Shabbat & Worship (Judaism)

A lesson that can be taught as standalone lesson, part of topic on Worship or as a part of a topic on Judaism. This is written in a simple Teaching & Learning format - retrieval / recall, teacher delivery and modeling and Student Tasks to finish.
KS3 RS - Hanukkah (Judaism / Festivals)

KS3 RS - Hanukkah (Judaism / Festivals)

A lesson that can be taught as stand alone, part of a festivals topics or one centered around Judaism. The lesson holds all the key facts around the festival and it’s origins. Retrieval starter (simple to change to match your school requirements), Text based or picture introduction of the origins, video with questions - leading to a written task to finish the lesson.
KS3 RS - The Fall

KS3 RS - The Fall

A Key stage 3 lesson designed to introduce / recap the Creation story briefly and then focus upon Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden. The lesson tasks includes, watching ‘The Bible in Animation’ and then starting build how Christians might explain the ‘The Fall’ and the existence of evil in the world through a Mind Map, leading to a written response. Follow Me card included - can be used as plenary or lesson task.
KS3 RS - Resource Bundle

KS3 RS - Resource Bundle

19 Resources
A bundled collection of 28 full lessons to use with Key Stage 3 Religious Studies including one full ‘Foundations of Faith’ Scheme of Learning with Assessment and the ‘Islam’ 10 lesson resource bundles with assessment etc. This is a fantastic scheme to use as an introduction to RS at Key Stage 3. The bundle also inlcudes lessons on War & Peace, Creation, Stewardship, Arguments for the existence of God, and some festivals.